Titel in Englisch: The Collectors
Autor: Alice Feagan
Illustration: Alice Feagan
Format: Hardcover, 24 x 28,5 cm
Seiten: 32, farbig illustriert
Alter: 3 - 7 Jahre
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 9781525302046
Erschienen: USA, Kids Can Press, 2021
Nature lovers and collectors of all kinds will love this high-adventure quest story about two brave and clever girls who head into the forest in search of something extraordinary.
Winslow and Rosie have been building an impressive collection of natural wonders, and now it’s nearly complete. With just enough space left for one final piece, the girls set off into the forest to find something extraordinary. Their journey takes them far – along the creek, across the valley, through the spruce grove and up the mountain. And while they find many extraordinary things, nothing is just the right extraordinary thing. When the girls find a deep, dark cave, they decide to venture farther than ever before. Surely, a mysterious cave must hold something extraordinary …
Bestselling creator Alice Feagan’s distinct cut-paper collage artwork brings this fun quest story to life and packs it with learning opportunities. The story highlights that girls can be adventurous, brave, clever and fascinated by science, and also that the natural world is a wondrous place to explore. From the detailed depictions of the girls’ gear to the many portrayals of their extraordinary finds (a gemstone, dinosaur fossils, a rare woodpecker’s feather), there are numerous STEM curriculum applications here. The story also offers excellent character education lessons in perseverance, resilience and teamwork.
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