Titel in Ukrainisch: Ква(ко)ролі світів. Частина 3. Таємниця планети Авак-37.
Autor: Olha Duzhak
Illustration: Anastasiia Khmara
Format: Hardcover, 14,8 x 21 cm
Seiten: 128
Alter: 6 - 12 Jahre
Sprache: Ukrainisch
ISBN: 9786179517426
Erschienen: Ukraine, 2021
Beschreibung in Englisch:
Avak-37 - the first, lost planet of Space-Frogs is waiting for real heroes! The mysterious snow mountain contains many secrets. A frog Princess, frozen in ice, is waiting to be rescued somewhere out there. But friends are near. The spaceship of the Ancient Frogs is about to take Dreamko and Kvaker to a real ice hell! As in parts 1 and 2, this motivational story teaches children never give up and follow their dream. In a fabulous way, it teaches mutual support, true friendship, the importance of healthy diet, respect for parents, and caring for the environment.
Beschreibung in Ukrainisch:
Третя частина мотиваційної казки Ква(ко)ролі світів. Перша і давно втрачена планета Космо-Жаб Авак-37 чекає справжніх героїв! Загадкова снігова гора містить безліч таємниць. Десь там, заморожена в крижині, чекає на порятунок справжня жаб’яча Принцеса. Але друзі вже поруч. Космічний корабель Древніх Жаб ось-ось доставить Дрімка та команду сміливців, в справжнє крижане пекло!
About the author - Olha Duzhak
Olha Duzhak (born in Ukraine in 1984) is a writer, teacher, CEO & Founder of a Publishing House & Agency ‘DUZHKA’. Her first book ‘Kva-Kings of the Worlds’ in 2019 year took 1 place and won a prize of 17 500 EURO from the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation for its first publishing and promotion. Next year more than 10 000 copies of the book were sold. Now Olha has 6 books published. All are bestsellers in Ukraine. Today Olha lives in Hamburg, Germany, and her biggest wish is to make bridges between European countries and Ukraine.
Olha says: ‘Following your dream is the most important thing in life. Only if you truly believe in yourself people will believe in you.’